
Oily Skin

In the summer, oil blotting sheets are VITAL. 
My skin is not usually the oily type, but in the summer sun, boy does it change!
Our face's tend to get oily mostly on our forehead and nose!  

Shiseido has my FAVORITE oil blotting sheets. 
I found out about these while I was at New York Fashion Week for the Spring 2012 Collection.
I have absolutely loved them ever since. 

The best place to find these is at your nearest Macy's or online. 

A few tips to help steer clear of oily skin in the summer
  • Stay away from liquid foundations-- especially ones with a lot of chemicals and oils. Try to find one with a light and matte residue. 
  • Use a lotion/sunscreen without oil-- Do not put tanning lotion on your face. If you are to put other lotion on your face, use a LITTLE bit. ALWAYS use sunscreen. Pick one that is thicker with no oils. (Neutrogena has one of the best sunscreens) 
  • DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE CONSTANTLY-- This is where most of the oil on our face comes from! While its hards not to rest your hand on your face at times, try and be aware of this so you can prevent this action! 
Last- PACK OIL BLOTTING SHEETS, because sometimes there's just nothing we can do about it! 


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Unknown said...

Awesome post girl! I swear now that I am in my 30's, I no longer need these much, and it gets depressing! LOL! But, I could've used these in my 20's for sure! Lovely post as usual! xx Pip

P.S. Take the word verification off your settings for comments. It is such a pain, and it doesn't do anything for spam because those spammers will still comment anyways! LOL!


Anonymous said...

Well I loved your post and take in mind your tips, science very easily I can get oil and things on my face, I have it and well it's quite good! Love the post!

P.S: Agree with the girl up here, I did in my blog.


Northern Style Exposure said...

Great post! I need to try them

Amy said...

Great post, thansk for the tips!


leonie fanning said...

Fantastic post u really seem to know ur stuff i am delighted to find ur blog. I need all the help i can get wit my beauty regime i look forward to ur posts. Im ur new follower i wouldbe thrilled if u could check out mine hope u have a great weekend kisses fRom Dublin xx leonie.

leonie fanning said...

Meant to say i loved ur interview wit the gorgeous pip. I so agree about vintage i love wearing it but also mixing it up a bit wit contemporary pieces. It was a great interview and lovely to meet u. Big kiss from the chatty Irish blogger Xxx leonie

Unknown said...

This is great, would definitely check this out- my face is super oily & I'm on a hunt for products that are healthy that would help! came across your blog fro Pip's feature on you, you have a very cool blog.

Joy Shana said...

Thanks for the tips, nice blog